Problems with DirectX and some 3Dfx based cards =============================================== Some problems may occur when using 3Dfx based 3D accelerated cards as a secondary card if the primary display card (Your 2D card) also has some 3D acceleration. When you run Flying Corps, if you find that on the graphics driver selection screen only 'Rowan Software Driver' and 'Direct3D Hardware Driver' are listed and that the Direct3D hardware driver option has been greyed out then this means that your 3Dfx card has not been installed successfully. This problem occurs when the 3Dfx card has not been correctly registered by Windows 95. The solution is to re-install your cards drivers. The following test can be used to check whether your card has been installed correctly. From the windows 95 desktop click on the 'Start' menu item and select 'Run'. In the 'Run' dialog type 'regedit' and select 'OK'. This will launch the windows 95 registry editor. The display in the lefthand window should look something like the diagram below. [-]----My Computer | [+]-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_USER | [+]-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | [+]-HKEY_USERS | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | [+]-HKEY_DYN_DATA Click on the '+' next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Your display should now look something like the following diagram. [-]----My Computer | [+]-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_USER | [-]-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | | | [+]-Config | | | [+]-Enum | | | [+]-hardware | | | [+]-SOFTWARE | | | [+]-System | [+]-HKEY_USERS | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | [+]-HKEY_DYN_DATA Now click on the '+' next to 'hardware'. Your display should now look something like the following diagram. [-]----My Computer | [+]-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_USER | [-]-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | | | [+]-Config | | | [+]-Enum | | | [-]-hardware | | | | | [+]-DESCRIPTION | | | | | [+]-devicemap | | | | | [+]-DirectDrawDrivers | | | [+]-SOFTWARE | | | [+]-System | [+]-HKEY_USERS | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | [+]-HKEY_DYN_DATA If at this stage, the 'DirectDrawDrivers' entry has not been displayed then your card has not been setup correctly. If it is present but you are still experiencing problems then continue with the remaining checks below. Click on the '+' next to DirectDrawDrivers. The display should change to look something like the diagram below. [-]----My Computer | [+]-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_USER | [-]-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | | | [+]-Config | | | [+]-Enum | | | [-]-hardware | | | | | [+]-DESCRIPTION | | | | | [+]-devicemap | | | | | [-]-DirectDrawDrivers | | | | | []-aba52f41-f744-11cf-b4-52-00-00-1d-1b-41-26 | | | [+]-SOFTWARE | | | [+]-System | [+]-HKEY_USERS | [+]-HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | [+]-HKEY_DYN_DATA Double clicking on the string of characters under the 'DirectDrawDrivers' entry should cause a description string and driver name to be displayed in the right hand window. If this does not match the name of your card then you do not have the cards drivers installed correctly. If after attempting to re-install your card's Direct3D drivers you still cannot find your card's details in the registry as defined above then we suggest that you contact your card's manufacturer for technical support.